SGA Graphic Specialist

SGA Graphic Specialist

The poster design above features my school’s mascot, Knightro, gripping a pair of scantrons, one tan, one pink. These are the scantrons we use at my University for multiple-choice examinations. UCF’s Student Government Association offers one free daily...
Typographical Portrait

Typographical Portrait

This project has been the biggest headache I’ve had since the start of my semester, but also one of my proudest works. After about 2-3 weeks of drawing paths with the pen tool and typing text to follow these contoured paths, I have finally finished my...

Typeface Design

My Type and Design class has been one of the most beneficial and rewarding experiences in my young, blooming design career. But I will be the first to admit that I was not looking forward to the typeface design project, particularly because I didn’t think that...