Nothing compares to a High Definition resolution!

Joking aside, this year I hope to evolve and grow more as an individual and artist. One of my goals  for 2013 is to get my career started by interning as a graphic designer. I really want hands-on experience to get me on the right foot … and additions to my portfolio would definitely take me to the next level! Hopefully if I don’t get the opportunity this Spring, I can surely find a Summer internship in the field.

I better freshen up my resume and pick out some portfolio pieces to get me started! If anyone out there knows of any part-time internship opportunities, paid or unpaid, shoot me a message or a comment. I am eager to get started!


On another note, one of my Xmas gifts this year is Mass Effect 3. Guess who’s going to be spending some long overdue quality time with his Xbox 360? This guy!

Happy New Year and best wishes!